Monday, March 2, 2009

One Month Old

*Again another blog from myspace, just trying to get this blog up to date and then I can start writing new ones.*

So we took Bristol in for his well check today. It was a challenge for me to try and get two kids, plus myself dressed and presentable by 10:30 a.m. But I guess that's the only appointment they had available.
We got there and they weighed and measured him while I sat and explained to Dega what they were doing so she didn't freak out. She actually did much better than I expected her to. She has never been a fan of doctors and has cried through all of her well checks so far.
Bristol now weighs 9 lbs. 11 oz. and is 21.75 inches long. He is in about the 50th percentile range so that is good. He weight has jumped a bunch so that is good. The only negative is he is still a bit jaundice-y. But the pediatrician says that it is common in breastfed babies and if it is still there by his 2 month check then they might run some tests. I am very glad I have a breast milk friendly doctor. Bristol didn't even cry the whole time, he just is a very laid back baby.
Dega, on the other hand, got nervous when we let the nurse and the doctor touch and hold her Bristol. But I told her that they have to check and make sure he is ok and healthy. She seemed to be fine with that answer. Although I don't think she would have liked it if it was her check up. But I still 6 1/2 months to prepare her for that.
Then on the car ride home Bristol started crying. Dega quickly informed me he was crying. I just told her yea I can hear him since I couldn't do much about it driving down the highway. So Dega started singing him "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "Are You Sleeping?" It was soo cute and he actually stopped crying. She can be such a good big sister at times.

Now for some pictures. When Dega was little Susan gave me a good idea to take a picture of her every month next to the same stuffed animal. Well I never got around to getting a stuffed animal for her, but I did take her picture every month. Well I have decided to use this idea for Baby Bristol. I made up lil cards that say how many months he is and the date on them and stick them in the picture. Then later on I can put the lil card in the scrap book on the page with the pictures. These are what we got for his first month.

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